Braces for Kids

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Braces for Kids

Orthodontist in Pune

The right time for an Orthodontist check-up :

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends all children to get a check-up with an Orthodontic specialist no later than the age of 7 yrs. so any problems can be spotted early. That doesn't mean a kid will get teeth braces right away. But the Best orthodontist in Pune will know which problems exist and can choose the Best time to start treatment.

There is a better way, called ‘Early Treatment’. Prevention is always better than cure.

Why is Orthodontist important?

While pediatric dentists focus on the health of the teeth and gums, orthodontists focus on the growth and development of the teeth and jaw. The services provided by an orthodontist ensure proper spacing and alignment to allow for not only an attractive smile, but a healthier smile. Properly aligned teeth make brushing and flossing easier, reduce the risk of decay, and are less likely to be fractured or damaged during falls or other injuries. More extreme cases, such as facial and jaw malalignment, can also be corrected with orthodontic treatment and can improve airway flow, reduce pain, and dramatically increase self-esteem in growing children.

Our pediatric dentists may notice preliminary Orthodontist problems, but only an orthodontist can give a comprehensive evaluation to determine proper course of action. Teeth, and sometimes entire facial structures, can be permanently changed and enhanced by orthodontic treatment. Our orthodontic specialists have extensive and specialized training that enables them to provide patients with professional, personalized treatment plans.

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Happy Patient - before treatment

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Happy Patient - after treatment

Frequently Asked Questions

Well having a question is normal, don't worry we have answers to all your questions.
Dr. Shibli specializes in Orthodontics

At what age should my child get braces?
At what age should my child get braces?

Braces are typically recommended for children between the ages of 9 and 14, as this is when most of the permanent teeth have erupted and orthodontic issues can be effectively addressed.

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How long does the braces treatment typically last for children?
How long does the braces treatment typically last for children?

How long does the braces treatment typically last for children?

Are there any risks or side effects associated with braces for kids?
Are there any risks or side effects associated with braces for kids?

While braces are generally safe, some common risks and side effects may include discomfort, difficulty chewing, and temporary speech changes. Regular visits to the orthodontist can help address any concerns.

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What types of braces are available for children, and which would be most suitable for my child?
What types of braces are available for children, and which would be most suitable for my child?

Options include traditional metal braces, ceramic braces, and clear aligners. Your orthodontist will recommend the most suitable type based on your child's specific needs and preferences.

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How often will my child need to visit the orthodontist during their braces treatment?
How often will my child need to visit the orthodontist during their braces treatment?

Typically, children with braces need to visit the orthodontist every 4 to 8 weeks for adjustments and progress checks.

How can I help my child maintain good oral hygiene while wearing braces?
How can I help my child maintain good oral hygiene while wearing braces?

Encourage your child to brush their teeth after every meal, floss regularly, and use special tools like interdental brushes or floss threaders to clean around braces. Additionally, remind them to avoid sticky or hard foods that can damage braces.

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